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Teacher Profiles

Miss Friswell Brings Pets to Science

By Anna Sorber, Staff Writer

















Many people think that no one in Wilson has a class pet(s). Well, think again! Ms. Friswell is the only teacher in all of Wilson who has class pets. She has a Russian Tortoise named Darwin that is 5-7 years old. She also has 2 beta fish (Gus and Nicola).


Ms. Friswell names some of her class pets after scientist's names like Charles Darwin. When I asked her how she got Darwin, she replied by saying, “My sister’s co-worker’s son didn’t want him anymore, so I adopted him.” She got Darwin last January.


About Miss Friswell


Miss Friswell grew up in Natick and went to Memorial Elementary School, then she went to Kennedy Middle School. For high school she went to the Natick High School.


For college, Miss Friswell went to one the University of Tampa. Miss Friswell wanted to be a science teacher because, “I love how science is logical.” Miss Friswell loves how science explains all the mysteries of the world, and yet, scientists are still figuring some of it out today.


Before becoming a sixth grade science teacher, she worked as a helper in different schools, but then a job opened at Wilson when she finished graduate school. She applied and got the job. 


To be able to get class pets in the classroom, Miss Friswell needed to get special permission from Mrs. Carney. She wrote a thesis paper on the benefits of pets in the classroom. A thesis paper is like a really big booklet!


Miss Friswell thinks that there are many benefits for having class pets. “It helps build the community of the classroom. It makes kids become more interested in science and more creative.”


She also explained how it makes science concepts a lot more real and visual, other than textbooks and lessons. Why not have a real model? Pets also make students more responsible and respectful.


Earlier in the year, I loved it when Miss Friswell used Darwin as a model and took him around the class for our qualitative vs. quantitative observations. We had a real pet when making our observations! 


Miss Friswell LOVES science. She is exciting and loves that science is exciting, too. 






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Staff Writer Leah Holtz introduces some of the teachers that were new to Wilson this year, but have been able to blend in and add to the Wilson community. 


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